Under desk treadmill

What is an Under-Desk Treadmill or Walking Pad?

Last Updated on February 29, 2024 by Matt Hapgood

Like many of you, I have a desk job that involves sitting for hours on end.

In my younger days, I had all sorts of physical jobs, and while they were somtimes mind-numbing, they kept me physically active, fit and strong.

Fast forward a few years, and now I spend my days bashing the keys of my laptop, staring at my screen.

I started realizing just how detrimental all this sitting is for my health. Things needed to change if I wanted to avoid the negative effects of being so sedentary for quite a few hours each day.

That’s when I discovered under desk treadmills – a great solution that allows me to walk while I work!

How Under Desk Treadmills Keep Me Active At Work 

Under desk treadmills are exactly what they sound like: compact treadmills designed to fit under your standing desk or workstation.

They allow you get in extra steps and be physically active while staying plugged into your computer and productive.

There are several popular models on the market from brands like LifeSpan, Rebel, and Treadly. I did my research and ended up buying the Egofit Walker Pro.

It’s a great size, nice and compact, but packs a tonne of features you would expect. An electronic display that tracks my time, steps, and calories burned.

You’re not going to get the same calorie burn as a full workout, but you know the saying
‘slow and steady wins the race’

The Benefits

Using an under desk treadmill has provided some amazing benefits for me:

– I can burn up to 300 extra calories per day just by walking at my normal work pace. This really adds up over time!

Studies show that walking at just 1 mph can burn over 100 calories per hour for the average person. For me, going 2-3 mph results in a significant calorie burn over a 9 hour workday (well, 9 hours is pushing it, but it’s nice to dream!)

– I have way more energy throughout the day and feel less sluggish thanks to increased blood flow and oxygen from being in motion.

Sitting for prolonged periods slows blood circulation, so keeping the body moving helps combat fatigue.

– My focus and concentration have improved now that I’m not just sitting still for 8+ hours. Light activity helps boost my cognitive function by increasing blood flow to the brain. I stay alert and focused for longer. 

– I’m getting in at least 6,000 extra steps per day (depending on my walking speed) which helps me meet daily step goals without needing to squeeze in a separate workout. Health experts recommend getting in 7,000-10,000 steps per day for optimal health, so my under desk treadmill helps me achieve that goal.

One thing I really appreciate about my Egofit model is that it has adjustable speeds so I can alter my pace pretty easily. It also is super quiet, so when you’re on a call, you can’t tell the machine is running.

If you have a desk job and are feeling the effects of excessive sitting like I was, I highly recommend looking into an under desk treadmill. It’s helped me be so much healthier, energetic and focused during my long workday.

Just be sure to start slow, wear supportive shoes, stay hydrated, and take standing breaks too. Using my treadmill desk has truly been life changing! I almost look forward to my workday “walks” now.

Here are some other tips I’ve learned from my experience using an under desk treadmill:

– Shop around and compare models to find one with your desired features like speed range, incline levels, and display options. Prices range from $300 to over $1000.

– Proper desk setup is key! Set your monitor and keyboard at an ergonomic height while walking for optimal comfort.

– Start at a very slow pace (1-1.5 mph) to get used to multitasking while walking. Build up your speed gradually over a few weeks. 

– Wear comfortable shoes with arch support to avoid foot fatigue. Consider anti-fatigue mats too.

– Keep water handy and stay hydrated! Walking slowly for hours can be dehydrating.

– Take occasional standing breaks to give your feet a rest from the constant motion.

– Be mindful of posture and positioning. Make small adjustments like moving one foot slightly forward to feel balanced.

– Personalize your speed according to your tasks. Slow down for computer work requiring accuracy, speed up for phone calls or meetings. 

– Consider using a standing desk in conjunction with the treadmill for added health benefits. Alternate between sitting, standing, and walking.

– Establish a routine and aim to build up your treadmill time throughout the day as you get accustomed to walking while working. 

I’ve found that under desk treadmills live up to their claims of boosting health while improving – not hindering – work performance. With consistency over time, the benefits really start to compound making you healthier and more energetic overall.

Just be sure to start out gradually and give your body time to adjust to this new active workflow. Soon enough you’ll be hooked on walking while you work just like I am! Give treadmill desks a try to combat the harmful effects of sitting for long periods – your mind and body will thank you.

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